Jamel - Portfolio / HRS: Business Breakfast


Social network competition of hotels


‘Hotel of the Year’ is a plebiscite organised periodically by HRS Poland under the patronage of the Polish editions of Forbes and Newsweek. The plebiscite is aimed at selecting the best hotels in Poland. According to Polish hotel guests, a good hotel breakfast is the third most important element; right after WiFi internet access and a comfortable bed. Our aim was to build within social media a communication relating to this criterion of choice and to enhance the presence of the brand in social media.


Creation of a new category in the 'Hotel of the Year plebiscite': 'Business Breakfast of the Year', which allowed voting for hotels via social media. In the case of the 'Breakfast of the Year' plebiscite, our choice was Instagram. Taking pictures of meals is one of the most popular activities on Instagram, hence it was natural to conduct the voting here in the simplest possible way – by tagging pictures with the hashtag #HRSBusinessBreakfast. Parallel to the plebiscite, a contest took place where Instagram users could win prizes. The entire campaign was supported by Facebook campaign and communication. It lasted six weeks.


60 hotels participated.

Pictures on the profile @HRSPolska tagged #HRSBusinessBreakfast got 1340 new likes on Instagram and 631 shares via other social media.

Instagram users got 3402 likes of #HRSBusinessBreakfast-tagged pictures.

During the contest, HRS Instagram's profile got over 250 followers (increase by ca. 800%).

During the #HRSBusinessBreakfast contest, the page devoted to the contest was visited by

11,940 UU

Viewing pictures tagged #hrsbusinessbreakfast.


Adding pictures in the #hrsbusinessbreakfast plebiscite.

Competition site

Automatically downloaded all pictures tagged #hrsbusinessbreakfast from Instagram and displayed the ones which were approved by the moderator.